GIZ Energy Support Programme

Sven Ernedal

Sven Ernedal is the Project Director of the CIRTS Project. He also leads the Offshore Wind Development Task Force under the Technical Working Group 2 on Renewable Energy of the Viet Nam Energy Partnership Group (VEPG). He was Project Director of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (4E) Project (2018- 2023) and the EU-Viet Nam Energy Facility Project (2018-2021).

Prior to Viet Nam, Sven Ernedal worked as Programme Director of the GIZ Sustainable Energy Project in Tanzania for 05 years and the GIZ Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programmes in Mongolia for 06 years. He worked as the EU Co-Director for the EU-China Energy and Environment Programme and as First Secretary in the Cooperation Section of the EU Delegation in China. Sven holds an MSc degree in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering. He speaks Swedish, English, German and basic Mandarin.