GIZ Energy Support Programme

Rooftop solar photovoltaics for cold chain and aquaculture firms – A clean and economic option for power supply


Rooftop solar application offers cold chain and aquaculture enterprises in Viet Nam an economic solution to reduce energy cost on the long run, cut down CO2 emission, ensure energy security, green the supply chain and increase their competitiveness. 

The benefits were discussed at the consulting workshop on rooftop solar photovoltaics (PV) for Viet Nam’s cold chain and aquaculture sectors on September 14th in Ho Chi Minh City. The event was jointly organised by the Vietnam Logistics Business Association and the Project Development Programme (PDP) of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy within the German Energy Solutions Initiative. 

At the event, the participating enterprises also received updates on Viet Nam’s policy framework for solar energy projects, especially the net-metering scheme and development status of rooftop solar PV application. High energy-consumers from commercial and industrial operations in emerging markets like Viet Nam usually lack PV knowledge and experiences to develop quality projects. 

The PDP has been providing technical support for many private industrial enterprises to assess investment feasibility when applying rooftop solar PV as well as support along project implementation and business partnership with German solar companies. One exemplary case in Vietnamese cold chain sector is the 308 kWp rooftop solar system at Emergent Cold Viet Nam in Bac Ninh province. The solar generation covers 15% of annual power demand and contributes to reduce 170 tons of CO2 emission from the facility.

